Abdominal Aortogram with bilateral lower extremity angiography coding

What are the ICD and CPT codes for Abdominal Aortogram with bilateral lower extremity angiography?


A catheter was into the right femoral artery and abdominal aortogram with run-off and selective pelvic arteriogram were performed. the catheter was then advanced contra-lateral  into superficial femoral artery with the help of wire and selective angiography of lower extremity ws performed. finally the catheter was pulled out and ipsi-lateral lower extremity angiography was performed.


Abdominal Aorto-iliac and pelvic arteriogram: Normal finding.

Left lower extremity angiogram: The common and deep femoral and popliteal arteries have non-obstructive plaques.

Right lower extremity arteriogram: The common and deep femoral and popliteal arteries have non-obstructive plaques. The posterior tibial artery is occluded.


1        440.20        Atherosclerosis of Extremities (Plaque or Stenosis)
2        442.20        Lower extremity artery occlusion

PX      CODE      DESCRIPTION         

1         88.48        Arteriography of  Femoral/Lower Extremity Arteries
2         88.42        Aortography
3         38.91        Arterial Catheterization         

CPT   CODE      DESCRIPTION             
1         36247       Intra Cath Artery initial 3rd Order       
2         75716       Angiography extremity bilateral Radiological S&I  
3         75625      Translumbar Abdominal Aorotography S&I
4         75774      Artery X-ray, Each Vessel
5         Q9958     HOCM <=149 Iodine, 1ml
6         C1894     Intro/Sheath, Non-Laser
7         C1769     Guide Wire  

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