Medical Coding Abbreviations

Some of the commenly used medical coding abbreviations are

TTP - Tender to palpation
RRR - Regular rate and rhythm
AODM - Adult onset diabetes mellitus
IDDM - Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NIDDM- Non Insulin Dependent diabetes mellitus
BA- Bronchial Asthma
GERD - gastroesophageal reflux
C - with
S - without
IM - Intramuscular Injection
IV Intravenous infusion
IVP - Intravenous push
IVPB - Intravenous push Bolus
URI - Upper Respiratory Infection
UTI - Urinary tract infection
OM - Otitis Media
CXR - Chest Xray
MRI - Magnetic Resonence Imaging
CT - Computer Tomography
PO - Per Ora
PRN - As Required
F/U - Follow up
Rx - Prescription
W/ - With
W/O - With out
BMI - Body mass Index
DM - Diabetes Mellitus
HTN - Hypertension
HPL/HL - Hyperlipidemia
H/O - History of
CP - Chest pain
SOB - Shortness of Breath
SX - Symptoms
LMP - last menstrual period
CAD - Coronary Artery Disease
WNL - within normal limits
bid - twice
npo - Nothing per mouth
u/a - Urine analysis
tsp - tablespoon
q6h - every 6 hours
WCC - well child check
sz - seizures
r/o - ruleout
d/o - disorder
s/p - status post

Medical Coding Abbreviations, Medical Coding Abbreviations

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