CPT codes for biopsy

CPT codes for biopsy

CPT codes for bone biopsy
20220 Biopsy superficial bones with trocar or needle
20225 Biopsy deep bones with trocar or needle
38221 Biopsy of bone marrow
20999 Biopsy of bone other than listed below

The following are the superficial bones
Ankle, carpall/metacarpals, clavicle, Ilium, patella, phalanges(foot/hand),
pelvic(iliac crest), ribs, scapula, spinous process, sternum, tarsals/metatarsals,
thorax(ribs/sternum), wrist, and vertebra.

The following are taken as deep bones
Femur/hips, ischium, humerous, radius/ulna, and tibia/fibula.

CPT code for Liver Biopsy
47000 Percutaneous needle biopsy of Liver
47001 Percutaneous needle biopsy of Liver when done for indicated purpose at time of other major procedure. This code should be used in addition to the major procedure
47100 Open biopsy of Liver also called wedge biopsy

Transgugular Liver biopsy with selective cath (renal/jugular)
37200 Transcatheter biopsy
75970 Transcath biopsy S/I

PT code for Lung Biopsy
32405 Percutaneous biopsy of lung or mediastunum (transthoracic)
32095 Open biopst of lung or pleura(Limited without exploration)
32100 Open biopst of lung or pleura with exploration (Major)

CPT code for Skin Biopsy
Anus 46999 unlisted anal procedure
External ear 69100 Biopsy of external ear
Eyebrow 11100 Biopsy of skin
Eyelid 67810 Biopsy of eyelid
Vulva 56005 Biopsy of vulva single lesion
Other skin 11100 Biopsy of skin

CPT code for soft tissue(fascia) Biopsy
Abdomen 22999
arm, upper 24065
back/flank 21920
foot/toes 28899
forearm/wrist 25065
hand/finger 26989
head 21499
lower leg(tibia/fibula/ankle) 27613
neck/thorax 21550
pelvis/hip 27040
shoulder 23065
spine(vertebral column) 21920
Thigh (femur/knee) 27323
Unspecified/Not Listed Above 20999

CPT code for Muscle Biopsy
20200 Open biopsy of superficial muslcle
20205 Open biopsy of deep muslcle (subfascial, intramuscular)
20206 Percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle

CPT code for Thyroid Biopsy
60100 Percutaneous needle core biopsy of thyroid
60699 Open or incisional biopsy of deep thyroid (Unlisted proc)

CPT code for Salivary gland and duct biopsy
42400 Percutaneous needle core biopsy of salivary gland/duct
42405 Open or incisional biopsy of salivary gland/duct

CPT code for pancreas and pancreatic duct biopsy
48102 Percutaneous needle core biopsy of pancreas/pancreatic duct
48100 Open or incisional biopsy of pancreas

If fine needle aspiration is also done during biopsy procedure than codes 10021 or 10022 should also be used in addition to the biopsy codes.

If Radiologic Guidance is also performed then appropriate supervision and interpretation codes should also be used as follows:

CT 77012
Flouroscopy 77002
MRI 77021
Ultrasound 76942
No/unspecified No Code

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