What is the ICD 9 code for "renal cyst"

ICD 9 index for renal cyst directs to Cyst, Kidney(congenital) as shown below:

kidney (congenital) 753.10
acquired 593.2

So the question is when there is no documentation that the cyst is congenital what should a coder do?
The answer lies in the ICD 9 coding conventions. ICD 9 coding conventions and rules are based on documentation. If the documentation does not exist then the we need to follow default values.

The thumb rule is that for certain conditions like kidney cyst where the index shows the options like above, the coders is suppose to code 753.10 by default if there is no documentation that the cyst is acquired. If there is documentation that the cyst is acquired then the coders can code 593.2.

So this is a documentation issue and hence we can code 753.10 for renal cyst if there is no documentation that the cyst is acquired.

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