What is the diagnoses code for tortuous colon?

If we search the ICD 9 index for the term "tortuous" the index directs us to "Distortion" and distortion of colon per ICD index leads to the code 751.5 Congenital Anomaly of Intestine which should be the code for tortuous colon.

ICD 9 CM code 560.2 represent a condition called Volvulus, which is an acute condition resulting in torsion of the intestine. Volvulus (560.2) is not a chronic or congenital condition and is different from Tortuous Colon 751.5.  Patients with tortuous colon will have difficulty having colonoscopy because of a tortuous colon.

ICD Index
    organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion

560.2 Volvulus
Torsion of intestine, bowel, or colon

1 comment:

Andrew Jackson said...

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