CPC exam prep

Medical coding CPC and CCS Exam sample test questions

1. Colonoscopy with a snare polypectomy of a sigmoid polyp
A. 45385
B. 45380
C. 45380, 45385
D. 45380, 45385-59
2. Excision of a right breast mass following needle localization
A. 19120
B. 19125
3. Excision of a 1.5 malignant melanoma of the arm: excised margin 1.0 cm : 11603
A. 11601
B. 11062
C. 11603
D. 11064
4. Cystourethroscopy with bilateral ureteral catheterization and bilateral retrograde pyelograms.
A. 52005, 74420-26
B. 52005, 74420-26, 74420-26
C. 52204, 74420-26
D. 52310
5. Cystourethroscopy with replacement of Double J stent.
A. 52310
B. 52332
C. 52310, 52332
D. 52005
6. Repair of a recurrent preperitoneal hernia
A. 49505
B. 49570
C. 49521
D. 49561
7. An endoscope was entered into the mouth and traversed till pyloric channel and removed. What is the procedure?
B. 43200
C. 43202
D. 43226
8. Repair of superficial 3.5 cm laceration of the eyebrow. What are the CPT and ICD procedure codes?
A. 12013, 08.81
B. 12013, 86.59
C. 12002, 86.59
D. 12002, 08.81
9. Application of aluminum splint to fractured index finger in ER.
A. 29130
B. 29125
C. 29515
D. Aluminum finger splint is pre-fabricated splint hence not coded
10. I&D of a buttocks abscess with packing:
A. 10060
B. 10061
C. 10081
D. 10081

11. The patient comes in with acute alcohol intoxication. The patient is an alcoholic.
C.305.00, 303.90
D.303.50, 303.93
12. A HIV patient comes in for the treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia
A. 136.3, V08
B. 042
C. V08, 136.3
D. 042, 136.3
13. Open wound ankle with tendon injury.
A. 891.0
B. 891.1
C. 891.2
D. 890.0
14. The pregnant patient comes in for routine supervision. The patient has asthma.
A. V22.1, 648.83, 493.90
B. V22.1, 648.93, 493.90
C. V22.1, 493.90
D. V22.1

15. A patient comes into ER due to disruption of suture. The patient was treated in the ED with sutures to a 2 cm wound which he sustained on the hand due to fall. The physician again sutured the area. What are the ICD and CPT codes for this visit?
A. 882.0, 12001
B. 882.1, 12001
C. 998.33, 12020
D. 998.33, 12001

16. The patient had a MI ten weeks ago. The patient now comes with chest pain. The physician diagnoses states “Old MI with symptoms”
A. 412
B. 414.8
C. 410.92
D. 410.91
17. The patient delivered a baby by cesarean section one week age. The patient now comes in with breakdown of cesarean wound.
A. 998.32
B. 674.24
C. 674.14
D. 998.33
18. Anxiety and depression 
A. 300.4
B. 300.00, 311
19. Hemoccult positive stool 
A. 792.1
B. 578.1
20. The patient has abdominal pain. The patient had a delivery of a live born baby five weeks ago. The patient was given pain medications and discharged home.
A. 648.94, 789.00
B. 789.00
C. 648.93, 789.00
D. 789.09
21. Acute and chronic bronchitis with COPD
A. 466.0, 490, 496
B. 466.0, 491.20
C. 491.20, 466.0
D. 466.0, 491.21
22. Chronic obstructive asthma with acute exacerbation 493.22
A. 493.93
B. 493.22
C. 493.91
D. 493.20
23. The patient can to the hospital say he is feeling anxious. The physician documented “unhappiness” in the final impression.
A. 311
B. 300.00
C. 313.1
D. 309.0
24. The patient comes with an injury to right hand. After examination, the physician documented the final diagnoses as “infected fracture of the shaft of radius”
A. 813.31
B. 813.21
C. 813.20
D. 813.30
25. The patient comes in with fatigue and weakness. The physician documented the final diagnoses as anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia.
A. 285.9, 287.5, 288.50
B. 284.1
C. 285.9, 287.5, 288.50, 284.1
D. 288.50, 284.1
26. A patient comes in with cough and fever. The physician documents the final diagnoses as URI and pharyngitis.
A. 465.9, 462
B. 465.9
C. 462
D. 465.9, 462, 780.60

28. Patient came with blood in stool and the diagnosis is likely external hemorrhoids.
A. 578.1, 455.3
B. 455.5
C. 578.1, 455.5
D. 455.8
29. The patient came with rhinorrhea. The patient is having a history of asthma. The physician states the final impression as allergic rhinitis.
A. 493.00
B. 477.9, 493.90
C. 472.9, 493.90
D. 471, 493.90
30. Candidial diaper rash.
A. 691.0
B. 691.0, 112.3
C. 112.3
31. ARF + HTN 
A. 493.90, 584.9
B. 584.9, 401.9
32. Diabetic ketoacidosis.
A. 250.10
B. 250.13
C. 250.12
D. 250.80

1. Repair of ventral hernia with application of adhesion barrier.
A. 53.59
B. 99.77
C. 53.59, 99.77
D. 53.75
2. Colonoscopy with a biopsy of large intestine
A. 45.25
B. 45.23, 45.14
C. 45.14
D. 44.14
3. Cystouretheroscopy with bilateral retrograde pyelograms.
A. 57.32, 87.74
B. 57.93, 87.74
C. 60.94, 87.74
D. 56.33, 87.74
4. PTCA of single coronary vessel with insertion of a drug eluting stent.  
A. 00.65, 36.07, 00.45, 00.40
B. 00.66, 36.07, 00.45, 00.40
C. 00.66, 36.07, 00.46, 00.40
D. 00.66, 36.07, 00.45, 00.41

5. Diagnostic aspiration of Liver.
A. 50.11
B. 50.19
C. 50.13
D. 50.14
6. Wedge biopsy of liver.
A. 50.11
B. 50.19
C. 50.12
D. 50.14
7. A patient came with burn on his hand. Physical exam showed necrosis. The necrosis of hand was excised.
A. 86.28
B. 96.59
C. 88.22
D. 77.6

1. Can we bill EKG for hypertension. 
A. Yes
B. No
2. Incision of vein
A. Phlebotomy
B. Arteriotomy
C. Rhinotomy
D. Dermatome
3. Repair of nose defect
A. Arthroplasty
B. Vasectomy
C. Rhinoplasty
D. Dermatoplasty

4. Abscess of bone
A.  Osteomyelitis
C. Cellulitis
D. Osteocalasis

Medical coding CPC and CCS Exam sample test

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