The passing Score for Part I CCS Exam - Multiple-choice section is 30 questions correct out of 50.
The passing Score for Part II CCS Exam - Coding section is 223 out of 340.
The current passing scale score for the CCA examination is 300 out of 400.
The passing score for Part II CCS-P Exam - Coding section is 222 out of 300.
Candidates must pass both parts I and II to receive an overall passing score on the CCS-P exam and CCS exam
1 comment:
I researched the CCS exam content THOROUGHLY before taking the exam and bought 3 different study guides (recommended). The exam content info is WRONG!!! There are actually 81 questions in part 1, NO break period between parts 1 and 2 and 12 charts to code, each one harder as you go further. I didn't even get to LOOK at 4 of the charts (you can't even open them without finishing the one before it). I believe the info published is for the OLD exam format-It was changed-so I'm told, in July 2011.
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