Coding Pregnancy Ultrasounds

Coding Pregnancy Ultrasounds

The category V28 in ICD-9-CM should be used for diagnostic coding for encounters involving antenatal screening of the mother. Codes from V28 category should be used as admitting diagnosis and also primary diagnosis if the result of the screening tests are normal. If the result of the screening test is abnormal, then the primary diagnosis should be "abnormal findings" and admitting diagnosis will be from the V28 category.

Another scenario is screening for suspected fetal conditions affecting management of mother (655.00-655.93,656.00-656.93,657.00-657.03,658.00-658.93). In this scenario, codes from (655.00-655.93,656.00-656.93,657.00-657.03,658.00-658.93) should be used for admitting diagnosis. If the suspected condition is found, than the condition should be coded and if it is not found than "suspected fetal conditions not found (V89.01-V89.09)" should be used as primary diagnosis.

Category V28 has further subcatagories as follows:

V28 Encounter for antenatal screening of mother
V28.0 Screening for chromosomal anomalies by amniocentesis
V28.1 Screening for raised alpha-fetoprotein levels in amniotic fluid
V28.2 Other screening based on amniocentesis
V28.3 Encounter for routine screening for malformation using ultrasonics
V28.4 Screening for fetal growth retardation using ultrasonics
V28.5 Screening for isoimmunization
V28.6 Screening for Streptococcus B
V28.8 Other specified antenatal screening
V28.81 Encounter for fetal anatomic survey
V28.82 Encounter for screening for risk of pre-term labor
V28.89 Other specified antenatal screening
(Chorionic villus sampling, Genomic screening, Nuchal translucency testing, Proteomic screening)
V28.9 Unspecified antenatal screening

Code V28.89 can be used for all other special antenatal screenings like fetal viability, size and dates, cervical length, etc.

For genetic counseling and testing use V26.31-V26.39 codes.
Encounter for routine fetal ultrasound NOS use V28.3

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