ICD 9 CM fracture codes for Lower Limb

ICD 9 CM categories 820-829 deals with fracture codes of lower limb

820 Fracture of neck of femur

821 Fracture of other and unspecified parts of femur

822 Fracture of patella

823 Fracture of tibia and fibula

824 Fracture of ankle

825 Fracture of one or more tarsal and metatarsal bones

826 Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
includes toe(s)

827 Other, multiple, and ill-defined fractures of lower limb
includes leg NOS and multiple bones of same lower limb

828 Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, and lower limb(s) with rib(s) and sternum
includes arm(s) with leg(s) [any bones], both legs [any bones], leg(s) with rib(s) or sternum

829 Fracture of unspecified bones

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