Open wound coding ICD: 870-897 CPT 12001-13160

Coding open wound in ICD-9-CM 870-897

Open wound or lacerations involves break in the skin surface and includes animal bite, avulsion, cut, puncture wound, and traumatic amputations. If the wound is deep then surgical closure using staples or sutures is carried out to allow the wound to heal and then after a few weeks the staples are removed. Dermabond glue or wound adhesives is also used and is persumed as surgical closure according to CPT and will result in same codes as staples or sutures. If the wound is not so deep then closure by sterri strips is sufficient. When wounds are closed using sterri strips the procedure does not require any CPT code and the service is included in E/M services.

Removal of sutures or staples is also a part of E/M services althought there are ICD procedure codes available depending upon the anatomical site.

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